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Proof of Concept: SANlight EVO-Series Test

We have been working on the development of the new SANlight EVO for a long time. In the following article, we present the first field test with the EVO-series, which was carried out before the market launch.

Led technology is still developing at breakneck speed. New technologies are constantly coming onto the market. For us it is a concern to offer our customers the best solution with the latest technology. That is why our laboratories are constantly conducting empirical tests, for example, to develop the ideal light spectrum for various plants.

Once a product is developed, it also undergoes various testing procedures before it is released to the market. From these empirical tests with serial products we then derive recommendations for our customers, so that they can also achieve a perfect result in their cultivation.

In this article we present one of many tests with our new EVO-series.

For legal reasons, we must point out at this point that the cultivation of Cannabis Sativa L. is not legal in all countries. Please inform yourself about the legal situation in your country before imitating this experiment. The experiment shown here complies with the legal regulations in Austria, where this experiment was conducted.


The aim of the experiment was to find out at which light intensities the yield stops increasing under atmospheric CO2 and how these light intensities influence the bleaching of the flowers.

Yields were evaluated in two different ways. One is the grams per watt ratio. This means examining how much yield can be produced with one watt. The other is the yield to area ratio. It was investigated at which exposure intensity the best possible yield per square meter can be achieved.

In advance, light simulations were carried out to determine the best possible positioning of the lights in the grow tent. We offer such simulations free of charge to our customers, so that they can also optimally illuminate their cultivation areas.

The aim of the test was to discuss the limit value of the maximum exposure intensity, at which the yield, under atmospheric CO2, no longer increases. Previous research, as well as internal experiments, showed that this maximum exposure intensity depends on the light spectrum used. For broadband light spectra, as used in the EVO-series, this value is theoretically about 1.000µmol/m²/s during 12 hours of illumination.

Four EVO 5-120 with a power consumption of 1.280W provide an average of 1.100µmol/m²/s homogeneously distributed over the cultivation area of 2.88m². Therefore, this lighting setup was used to expose the, most intensively exposed, cultivation chamber 1.

We work with the so-called PPFe or PPFDe. This means that we perform all our measurements in a wavelength range of 380-780nm.



The other two breeding chambers were each equipped with four EVO 4-120. In cultivation chamber 2, the lights were operated with a maximum power of 1.000W (347W/m²). Average PPFDe values of 880µmol/m²/s were achieved. The third growth chamber should be exposed with an average PPFDe value of 700µmol/m²/s. For this purpose, the four pieces EVO 4-120 were operated with a maximum of 80% (800W) total power.

Execution of the test

The three cultivation tents were each planted with 18 seed plants of the Cannabis Sativa L. CBD variety “Alpine Spirit x 403”.

The plants were planted in a soil substrate consisting of a mixture of white peat, coconut fiber, wood fiber, compost and perlite. The substrate was pre-fertilized with sheep wool fertilizer. Seed plants were planted in 7.5L pots and pre-grown in 1L pots.

During the course of the experiment, the plants were fed with a a three-component mineral fertilizer from “Advanced Hydroponics of Holland”. To guarantee a uniform as well as continuous irrigation, all growing chambers were supplied with a central automatic drip irrigation system.

All plants, after germination, were grown for 21 days at 18 hours per day. Depending on the phase, exposure was as described in the table below.

Day/Chamber Chamber 1


Total input power

4 x EVO 5-120

Chamber 2


Total input power

4 x EVO 4-120

Chamber 3


Total input power

4 x EVO 4-120

Day 1 – 6 (18h) 300µmol/m²/s

350 Watt

Power 24%

DLI 19,44mol/m²/d


350 Watt

Power 35%

DLI 19,44mol/m²/d


350 Watt

Power 35%

DLI 19,44mol/m²/d

Day 7 – 21 (18h) 400µmol/m²/s

450 Watt

Power 35%

DLI 25,92mol/m²/d


450 Watt

Power 45%

DLI 25,92mol/m²/d


450 Watt

Power 45%

DLI 25,92mol/m²/d

At the beginning of the flowering phase, after the time switch from 18 to 12 hours of illumination daily, the light intensity was increased to 500µmol/m²/s in all cultivation chambers. This is to accustom the plants slowly to higher light intensities, and not to inhibit the plants too much in their height growth. This reduced the DLI from the original 25.92mol/m²/d (day) to 21.6mol/m²/d. After the first 14 days of flowering, the light intensity of the lights was increased to 100%, except for the third culture chamber, equipped with SANlight EVO 4-120, which were set to 80% of their rated power.

To check the light intensities as well as to adjust the lights appropriately, we use a spectroradiometer. At the height of the plant tips (Top of Crop = ToC), average light intensities of approx. 1.100µmol/m²/s were measured in chamber 1 with the EVO 5-120 lights. This results in a DLI of 47.52mol/m²/d, indicating more than the maximum amount of light that, according to common knowledge, plants can still process at optimal climatic values without CO2 supplementation.

In chamber #2 with the EVO 4-120 at 100% power, average intensities of approximately 880µmol/m²/s were measured, resulting in a DLI of 38.01mol/m²/d. In tent #3, the EVO 4-120 were operated at 80%. Here, average illumination intensities at height ToC of about 700µmol/m²/s could be measured. For twelve hours of illumination, this results in an average DLI of 30.24mol/m²/d.

The table below shows the corresponding PPFDe values, as well as the power consumption at the corresponding dimming settings.



Day/Chamber Chamber 1


Total input power

4 x EVO 5-120

Chamber 2


Total input power

4 x EVO 4-120

Chamber 3


Total input power

4 x EVO 4-120

Day 22 – 28 (12h) 500µmol/m²/s

580 Watt

Power 45%

DLI 21,6mol/m²/d


580 Watt

Power 52%

DLI 21,6mol/m²/d


580 Watt

Power 52%

DLI 21,6mol/m²/d

Day 29 – 36 (12h) 500µmol/m²/s

580 Watt

Power 45%

DLI 21,6mol/m²/d


580 Watt

Power 52%

DLI 21,6mol/m²/d


580 Watt

Power 52%

DLI 21,6mol/m²/d

Day 37 – 43 (12h) 1.100µmol/m²/s

1.280 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 47,52mol/m²/d


1.000 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 38,01mol/m²/d


800 Watt

Power 80%

DLI 30,24mol/m²/d

Day 44 – 50 (12h) 1.100µmol/m²/s

1.280 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 47,52mol/m²/d


1.000 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 38,01mol/m²/d


800 Watt

Power 80%

DLI 30,24mol/m²/d

Day 51 – 57 (12h) 1.100µmol/m²/s

1.280 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 47,52mol/m²/d


1.000 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 38,01mol/m²/d


800 Watt

Power 80%

DLI 30,24mol/m²/d

Day 58 – 64 (12h) 1.100µmol/m²/s

1.280 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 47,52mol/m²/d


1.000 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 38,01mol/m²/d


800 Watt

Power 80%

DLI 30,24mol/m²/d

Day 65 – 71 (12h) 1.100µmol/m²/s

1.280 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 47,52mol/m²/d


1.000 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 38,01mol/m²/d


800 Watt

Power 80%

DLI 30,24mol/m²/d

Day 71 – 77 (12h) 1.100µmol/m²/s

1.280 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 47,52mol/m²/d


1.000 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 38,01mol/m²/d


800 Watt

Power 80%

DLI 30,24mol/m²/d

Day 78 – 84 (12h) 1.100µmol/m²/s

1.280 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 47,52mol/m²/d


1.000 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 38,01mol/m²/d


800 Watt

Power 80%

DLI 30,24mol/m²/d

Day 85 – 91 (12h) 1.100µmol/m²/s

1.280 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 47,52mol/m²/d


1.000 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 38,01mol/m²/d


800 Watt

Power 80%

DLI 30,24mol/m²/d

Day 92 – 98 (12h) 1.100µmol/m²/s

1.280 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 47,52mol/m²/d


1.000 Watt

Power 100%

DLI 38,01mol/m²/d


800 Watt

Power 80%

DLI 30,24mol/m²/d

The plants were not additionally defoliated during the cultivation and only a few tending shoots as well as cyclically dying leaves were removed from the lower part of the plants.

Due to the pre-fertilization of the substrate, the EC value of the irrigation water was initially kept low at 0.9 – 1.2 EC during vegetative growth and slowly increased to 1.4 EC over the course of the weeks. During the flowering of the plants, the EC value of the irrigation water was cyclically increased up to 1.8 EC. This corresponds to the average values for fertilizing Cannabis Sativa L. The last two weeks of flowering, the substrate was watered only with pH regulated water with a value of 0.4 EC.

Light exposure [h] 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Nutrient solution week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Grow [ml] 31 94 265 302 680 453,6 226,8 245,7 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bloom [ml] 31 47 132 151 340 907 1134 1228 1474 1474 1360 1020 0 0
Micro [ml] 31 47 132 151 340 453 567 614 491 491 453 340 0 0
EC 0,7 0,9 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 0,4 0,4
PH 6,3 6,3 6,2 6,2 5,8 6 5,8 6 5,8 5,9 6 5,9 5,8 5,8
Casting quantity per day 0,3 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,2 0,9 0,9 0,5
Casting quantity per week 125 189 265 302 340 454 454 491 491 491 454 340 340 189


In this experiment, it was important to find out at which light intensity the plants start to bleach, as this is associated with a loss of optical quality of the cannabis flowers.

At the time of harvest, in chamber 1, seven plants showed signs of bleaching and eleven plants did not. In the second tent, six plants showed these signs and twelve did not. In the third and final chamber with the EVO 4-120 at 80%, only three plants showed signs of bleaching, whereas 15 of the plants looked normal.

Chamber Model Ø PPFDe # of 18 plants with bleaching
1 4 x EVO 5-120 1.100µmol/m²/s 7
2 4 x EVO 4-120 880µmol/m²/s 6
3 4 x EVO 4-120 (80%) 700µmol/m²/s 3

Further trials will follow.

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